FAQs | Atlas Assets

What is being launched?  

We are launching a new ability for our customers to ingest and map their bespoke asset information within Atlas. We maintain the way that you organize your data, the names and titles and categories with subcategories. Each property’s asset data is displayed in a table view with filters, sorting capabilities and search. All of the asset data can also be used to filter entire maps of properties down to the ones that our customers care about most. 

How does this feature support the Commercial Services Platform for Revenue Acceleration?

By having a map of the install base, sales leaders have better insight to plan sales territories while reps can easily identify customer gaps, ideal targets, and pursue best-fit prospects.

Who has access to this feature?

Paid subscribers of Atlas. 


Who ingests assets?

Our customer success team will work with you to figure out the best way to integrate your data within Atlas. 

Are asset ingestions included in the cost of Atlas?

Asset ingestions have an annual cost that includes a quarterly refresh. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

How often can we ingest assets?

We typically ingest quarterly or biannually. We can increase this frequency at a cost.  

What is the process to update assets?

Updating customer assets requires a re-ingestion. If the data structure that the customer is using hasn’t changed, the update is simple and can be done by contacting their Convex Customer Success Manager. If the data structure has changed, then we’ll go through a new ingestion flow which may incur costs. 

Can our assets be amended within Atlas after being ingested? 

Yes, customers can add and edit their ingested assets within Atlas after their assets have been ingested. Customers should work with their Convex Customer Success Manager to start the asset ingestion process.

Can you organize assets into custom categories?

Yes, you can organize assets into custom categories, so that your data is organized the same way on Atlas that it is within your internal systems. In order to customize asset categories, customers must work with their Convex Customer Success Manager.

How many categories can I use?

Customers can have as many primary and secondary categories as they’d like to surface in our UI. Customer asset data that is not surfaced in the user interface will still be ingested, filterable and searchable. 

Will other companies see our asset data? 

Convex will never share your company’s private data with another customer. Your data is protected. 

How do companies use Assets today? 

Companies ingest their customer data into Atlas to track where they have equipment installed, where they service customers, and who they should reach out to. Companies use filters to find properties that have certain assets. Assets are viewed in a table with the ability to edit and add new entries.

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