Product Summary
What is being launched? How does this product support the Commercial Services Platform?
Convex Signals is the first buyer intent solution that enables customers to identify buyers actively researching commercial services and solutions. This product helps sales teams build warm pipeline, streamline lead qualification, prioritize active prospects, get to prospects first, and identify project and service opportunities within their existing customer base.
What is new this Winter Release ‘24?
Atlas users can now save their preferred Signals filters for easier prospecting off of the Signals screen. Save time honing in on your ideal audience weekly.
Atlas now supports multiple Signals Bundles for teams that sell across multiple business service lines. For example, an Atlas user can see prospects researching Fire & Life Safety Equipment and quickly switch to see prospects researching Building Security products.
Who has access to this product?
Signals is available for purchase. Please contact your customer support or sales representative with questions.
Where can I use this feature?
Users can find Signals on their own page from the main navigation bar on Atlas:
When viewing an associated Property:
When searching for or viewing an associated Company Site:
How is this product used?
Signals data updates weekly in Atlas allowing users to incorporate and prioritize the warmest prospects into their weekly activity.
You can identify the highest priority prospects using the Signal Strength Score, observe changes in the weekly trend for Signals, and more from the Signals table.
Atlas users can easily filter to their territory, persona, and/or company profile to be able to add the associated Company or Property to their routine Atlas workflows.
How It Works
How does this feature work?
Convex Signals monitors billions of digital ‘events’ across online behavior from individuals digitally associated with a company. These events include website visits, downloads, clicks, searches, and content consumption. AI categorizes large correlated behavior patterns into a topic (e.g.. HVAC Maintenance).
The customer can select a few related Topics to create a ‘Signals Bundle’. This Bundle helps accurately capture the buyer interest relevant to our customer’s business. We establish a baseline of ‘event’ activity and look for increases in ‘event’ activity. A sudden increase in activity signals interest in a particular commercial service or solution.
Our unique offering allows us to serve Commercial Services partners further by connecting these Signals to Company Sites and Properties. Thus using our best-in-class data, Convex can recommend the right facilities to prospect into and help teams easily find multiple angles of attack into potential opportunities in their market.
What are topics?
Topics’ are AI groupings of digital events. For example, articles about repairing chillers, time spent viewing online case studies about predictive HVAC maintenance, and web searches for ‘industrial AC repair’ would all fall under the topic of ‘HVAC maintenance’.
This makes it easier to categorize digital events over humans defining 1000s of ‘keywords’ and ‘websites’ that might be appropriate to track for your business. A topic normally covers millions of unique footprints.
What is a Bundle?
A ‘Bundle’ is a customer-specified collection of related topics. By grouping these topics our Signals AI is able to ensure better relevancy of the digital Signals to our customer’s primary business needs.
A prospect showing digital behavior across the topics in a Bundle (i.e. ‘HVAC’, ‘Chillers’, ‘Energy Efficiency’, ‘HVAC Maintenance’, ‘Cooling Systems’, etc.) is more likely to be commercially interested in HVAC Services and solutions. A bundle of topics will generate more quality and quantity of leads.
It is not recommended to include unrelated topics in a Bundle. If our above HVAC example had ‘Fire Alarm Monitoring’ and ‘Fire Extinguisher’ topics included it would dilute the Signal’s accuracy in either confirming interest in HVAC services or fire & life safety equipment.
It is also not possible to exceed 10 topics in a single Bundle. This represents the maximum coverage that guarantees reliable detection of buyer interest. Adding more topics than the 10 maximum makes establishing a baseline of online activity thus detecting any increase in consumption becomes impossible.
While this is great information to share about this feature, our team at Convex are the expert consultants who will guide you step by step in the process of getting set up with Signals.
What are Signal Strength scores, what do they mean, and what do the changes mean?
Signal Strength scores represent the confidence and urgency we have in a company’s interest in the customer’s Signals Bundle. We provide scores 1 - 5, and a 5 represents the highest urgency and confidence. Convex recommends that all other things about a prospect profile being equal, a user should prioritize a 5 over a 4, and so on.
The Signal Strength Score is the output of an AI model that computes quite a lot of data points before returning the value. For the simplest human analogy - The Signal Strength Score is based on the breadth of interest (e.g. the number of topics from the Bundle we observed surging interest) and depth (e.g. the intensity of the surge from the baseline for the topics in a Bundle)
A Signal Strength score can change week over week. Scores can increase, decrease, or show no change. We track these weekly changes to help customers stay aware of their prospect’s online activity changes and prioritize leads as appropriate. An increase in the Signal Strength from the prior week can indicate an increase in interest and urgency for the buyer and is a good indicator of early but mature buyer interest. A decrease might represent a decrease in research or activity suggesting that the level of research might be decreasing. Sustained Signal Strengths imply no significant change in the urgency over the baseline.
Are you able to tell me what person is in the market for my service or solution area?
For security and privacy reasons we can not identify a specific individual or group(s) of individuals at a company that are responsible for the online activity.
However, due to our ability to identify the right personas for commercial services customers, and identify a recommended facility our platform can help customers quickly identify the most appropriate contacts to reach out to.
Are you able to tell me what building a Signal is coming from?
Yes! Convex brings together our proprietary data around properties, occupants, companies and people that feed into our Signals AI algorithm. Thus using IP addresses, geo-location, and company profiles we can recommend the most likely company site and property that the signal is associated with. We understand why the building or property is an important part of our customer’s business and have designed our Signals feature with commercial services customers in mind.
It is important to note that a Signal is always directly associated with a company. So the recommended property is only based on whether there is an appropriate company site (occupant) at the location.
While we believe our recommendation of the property and occupant is incredibly powerful, it is possible that other relevant buildings that the company exhibiting a Signal could also be associated with. As a result Convex makes it easy for our customers to be able to find any other relevant associations in your region to build out their sales plan.
What commercial service industries do you service?
We encourage you to talk to your customer support or sales representative to discuss whether Signals is a good fit for your business. Some of the business areas that Signals is an excellent fit for are:
- HVAC Maintenance / Installation
- Fire & Life Safety
- Building Security
- Building Automation / Energy Efficiency
- Plumbing and Fabrication
- Data Center Environmental Controls
- Janitorial and Commercial Cleaning
- Commercial Painting
- Landscaping
- Facilities Management
- Mergers & Acquisitions (Beta)
- Restoration (Beta)
Why is my industry not listed?
If you don’t see your business area listed above, no need to worry. Talk to your customer support or sales representative to identify whether Signals would work for your needs. Even if we might not be tracking topics that cover your needs at the moment or Product team can work on setting those up to get coverage for your needs.
Why are there geographic limitations?
Signal detection is done over a region to ensure we can identify the best prospects in your market. Thus the volume and computational power of your Signals Bundle is restricted to the geographic regions your Convex Platform covers.
Product Setup & Usability
What’s the process to implement Signals?
Our customer success team will consult with any interested party on setting up your Signals Bundle and collect all your business logic for configuring the weekly data delivery.
We do not support the creation of Signals Bundle by customers in the Atlas platform directly at the moment.
How often do I receive Signals?
Signals are refreshed once a week. This is the only frequency we update the data and aligns with the best practices for timely yet accurate capture of buyer intent across the industry.
Is it possible to change the Signals Bundle after the initial implementation?
We discourage changing your Signals Bundle unless there is a genuine change in business strategy or a serious issue with the Signals Bundle setup. Changing anything about a Signals Bundle will permanently remove any historic Signals data that your team has access to and also the metadata our AI stores on your Bundle and Region. Please consult your customer support representative for more information.
Is it possible to access more than one Signals Bundle?
Yes, contact your customer support team or sales representative to discuss the process of adding additional Signals Bundles for your team.
Can I save my preferred filters for the Signals page?
Yes, Atlas now supports the ability for a user to set up a saved filter set on the Signals page for quick access. You can choose any of the set parameters in the filter panel to ensure you can quickly access the ideal customer personas as needed.
Can I request a topic? How long does it take?
Yes, our product team is always looking to add topics that are relevant to our customers. Your customer support representative can help you get your request in.
The process of creating a new topic takes 6 months since our AI has to crawl the internet and track data patterns relevant There is no guarantee that a topic will be accepted at the end. The most common reason for the rejection of a new topic is insufficient associated digital activity or coverage under another existing topic.
Why are there such few high Signal Strength Scores in a given week?
The Signal Strength Score is by the nature of the design only going to detect much fewer high-scored Signals that represent an urgency. This also helps ensure those Signals are very easy to identify when working through the weekly deliveries. However, any Signal Strength Score represents an active detection of buyer intent and should be seen as a warm lead.
What are the unique data attributes associated with a particular Signal?
Bundle Name: This identifies the specific Bundle that the Signals data shown is based on.
Signal Strength: A score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest probability and suggested urgency of action and 1 being the lower end.
Topics Detected: The topics from the Signals Bundle that contributed to the Signal Strength Score for the given week.
Change in Signal Strength: The change in Signal Strength from the week prior. It can ‘Increase’, ‘Decrease’, or show ‘No Change’
Signal Detection Date: The date for the start of the week that a Signal was calculated.
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