When is Atlas Improved County Search being launched?
On November 9th, 2022, Convex is launching improvements to our county search functionality. This provides users with more prospecting accuracy when searching for people and properties within a particular county.
How does this feature support the Commercial Services Platform for Revenue Acceleration?
The improved county search feature gives Atlas users even more precision when they plan and target ideal contacts at a county level. Atlas users can now more reliably filter in People Search and get to the right people in their territories.
Who has access to this product?
Only paid subscribers of Atlas have access to this improved functionality.
What does this feature do?
This is an enhancement to the current county filters in Atlas. We have enriched our contact data to have an accurate county level designation. This means when searching for people by county, the results returned will have very little spillover from neighboring counties and their properties.
Why did we release this feature?
We initially based county searches around geographic borders. However, neighboring county data showed up on occasion. To help Atlas users accurately prospect on a county level we changed the search methodology to reduce county spillover. As a result, users can enjoy an even more accurate county search experience.
Can I search for people by county?
Yes, you can find a list of counties in the Advanced Filter section of People Search under Location.
Where do I search for properties by county?
Properties can be filtered by county on Map Filters. Where you can find them under the Location dropdown in the Property Overview tab.
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